: ATM Class is ON HOLD

ATM Class is currently on hold. The Feldenkrais Inst. of San Diego is offering ATM classes on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Click here and scroll down for the ATM class info.

Past announcements on ATM classes

ATM Class will resume Monday September 13th at 7pm. The theme of the first four classes will be introductory Awareness Through Movement Classes based upon lessons that Moshe Feldenkrais regularly taught in introductory workshops. These lessons are oriented towards improving cardinal movements (e.g., flexion, extension, turning) and in developing increased self-awareness of your movement. The four lessons are

Monday Sept. 13: Flexion on the Back

Monday Sept. 20: Extension of the Spine

Monday Sept. 27: Turning in Sitting

Monday Oct. 4: The Pelvic Clock

Come and discover your own insights to these classic ATM lessons.

For a listing of other ATM classes in San Diego see Feldenkrais Teachers in San Diego.

The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego also hosts ATM classes Tuesdays at 6pm and Saturdays at 9am.

Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, and Awareness Through Movement® are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America®.